編號 | 作者 | 摘要題目 |
1 | Ya-Yu Yang and Jhih-Jia Jhang | Comparative analysis of hyaluronic acid derived from rooster comb extract and microbial fermentation on the water retention and absorption capacity |
2 | Yu-Zhen Ye and Wen-Wei Chang | Ovatodiolide inhibits cell proliferation of human endometrial cancer cells through the induction of reactive oxygen species |
3 | 許麗娟、許文光 | 紅茶青梅果乾最適條件製程研究與感官品評 |
4 | 白存仁、許文光 | 紅茶仙楂果最適條件製程研究與感官品評 |
5 | 王柏瑜、蔡侑珊、郭育萱、林定威、陳勁初 | 篩選可利用色胺酸代謝途徑活化芳香烴受體的益生菌 |
6 | 邱秀月 | 多螢平台幼兒防疫保健推廣之研究 |
7 | Ya-Chun Yang, Bao-Hong Lee and Wei-Hsuan Hsu | Exploring the potential of next generation probiotics on alleviating the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease |
8 | Feng-Yue Weng, Chia-Chi Lin, Yu-Wen Kao, Yi-Cheng Lin, Chien-Liang Kuo, Tung-Ling Hsieh and Wen-Huang Liu | Efficacy of Balay-KBA Fruiting Body of Antrodia cinnamomea as Synergistic Nutritional Treatments on Sarcopenia |
9 | 林翊琪、盧亭宇、蘇家禾、賴儷云、林雨欣、陳冠文 | 高靜水壓應用於黃豆渣對降膽固醇之產品應用與開發 |
10 | 歐陽欣、李姵蓉、洪鈺晴、黃祥閔、謝秋蘭 | 黃梔色素與黃梔配質對脂多醣誘導RAW264.7巨噬細胞之影響 |
11 | 陳語恩、林冠言、莊誼頻、陳俐彣、田秉玉、高紹庭、吳瑞碧、丁俞文、沈賜川 | 香豆素對高葡萄糖培養周邊神經膠細胞之影響 |
12 | 楊鴻翔、林万登、梁志弘 | 臺灣五葉松針葉機能性成分萃取條件探討 |
13 | 林慧秋、邱韻霖、廖紫嬿、許雅筑 | 澎湖長松藻酵素水解萃取之抗氧化活性、總醣及總酚含量 |
14 | 劉芳伶、潘崇良、黃崇雄 | 燕麥奶發酵液製備及其對抗原專一性免疫調節功能之評估 |
15 | 尉宇鈞、潘崇良、黃崇雄 | 探討紫菜多醣及寡醣於小鼠模型中減緩食物過敏之功效 |
16 | 劉姵筑、黃冠中、梁志弘 | 珊瑚菇子實體萃取物對巨噬細胞及小鼠抗氧化能力之評估 |
17 | 方睿恩、蔡瑋忠、黃崇雄、潘崇良 | 以小鼠食物過敏模式探討馬尾藻多醣、寡醣及藻渣減緩下痢及調節腸道菌叢之功效 |
18 | 游才賢、梁志欽、梁志弘 | 裂褶菌咖啡豆固態發酵期間抗氧化及機能性成分之變化 |
19 | Wei-Yu Chiang and Cheng-Yang Huang | Expression, purification, crystallization, and inhibition of the non-structural protein nsp9 from SARS-CoV-2 |
20 | 江佳琳、蔡侑珊、林詩偉、陳炎鍊、陳勁初 | 益生菌對腎臟保護之機制研究 |
21 | 吳姿和、蔡侑珊、陳炎鍊、陳勁初 | 益生菌對減緩頻尿症狀之評估 |
22 | 劉清標、顧世偉 | 蔬果廚餘堆肥化過程之探討 |
23 | 李姵蓉、謝秋蘭 | 探討Genipin對抑制脂肪新生與脂肪堆積之潛力 |
24 | 洪鈺晴、謝秋蘭 | 梔子活性成分對於高糖誘導THP-1發炎之抑制效應 |
25 | 林靖倚、朱心彤、郭育萱、林定威、陳勁初 | 利用 Cunninghamella elegans進行猴頭素A的生物轉化研究 |
26 | 蔡瑋忠、黃明熙、黃崇雄 | 探討含紫菜多醣及寡醣奈米乳化液做為黏膜型疫苗佐劑於小鼠陰道白色念珠菌感染之預防功效 |
27 | 朱心彤、林定威、林靖倚、郭育萱、陳勁初 | 牛樟芝菌絲體之4-Acetylantroquinonol B於不同培養基 其代謝物鑑定 |
28 | 石仰慈、蔡侑珊、林詩偉、陳勁初 | 戊糖乳桿菌(Lactobacillus pentosus) GK4代謝物於口腔保健之應用 |
29 | 陳雅君、蔡侑珊、林詩偉、陳炎鍊、陳勁初 | 篩選複合益生菌於減緩阿司匹林引起之胃部損傷 |
30 | 林則翰、李俊霖 | 探討假酸漿葉萃取粉及其迷迭香酸改善酒精誘發小鼠肝損傷之研究 |
31 | 黃秀琦、曾耀銘、李俊霖 | 以紅藜與大麥培養之牛樟芝菌絲體粉末與其乙醇萃取物對高血脂倉鼠血脂調節之影響 |
32 | 林鈺庭、張誌益 | 大葉桃花心木果殼化學成分及生物活性之研究 |
33 | 陳慶宇、陳威仁 | 探討山柰酚對不同乳癌細胞的上皮間質轉換抑制效果 |
34 | 呂學聿、黃明熙、黃崇雄 | 探討奈米乳化液作為北蟲草發酵穀類產物萃取多醣 遞送系統減緩小鼠陰道白色念珠菌感染之作用 |
35 | 歐璟誼、潘崇良、黃崇雄 | 探討石蓴萃取物減緩食物過敏與調節腸道菌叢之作用 |
36 | Tzu-Chun Chen, Shun-Fa Yang, Chen-Ju Chuang, Hui-Wen Lin, Yuan-Yen Chang | Protection of Tetrahydrocurcumin on Oxidative Stress-Induced Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cell Damage |
37 | 曹恩齊、劉錦浲、李俊霖 | 乳酸菌發酵紅藜之抗疲勞功能研究 |
38 | 陳玥竹、蔡蕙芸、汪曉琪、陳與國 | 大豆發酵液保護胃黏膜之功效評估 |
39 | 林盈伶、楊中樞、蔡蕙芸、陳與國 | 富含生育三烯醇萃取物保護腦神經活性之探討 |
41 | Pin-Jui Chen, Wei-Cheng Hsiao, and Cheng-Yang Huang | Structural model and soluble production of the human leukocyte antigen B 13:01, a heterodimeric protein complex involved in the antibiotic-induced hypersensitivity |
42 | 石家綺、林昀、李俊霖 | 野生牛樟芝子實體萃取滴粒對改善小鼠酒精性之脂肪肝與肝損傷之研究 |
43 | Ren-Hong Luo and Cheng-Yang Huang | Structural basis for the inhibition mode of Salmonella enterica SSB by flavonol myricetin |
44 | 王郁晴、張文昌 | 低升糖指數之薑抗性澱粉開發 |
45 | 侯毓欣、蔡侑珊、林詩偉、林珊、陳炎鍊、陳勁初 | 發酵乳桿菌GKF3於改善菸癮之研究 |
46 | 林靜雯、蔡侑珊、林詩偉、林珊、陳炎鍊、陳勁初 | 篩選具增肌減脂潛能功效的益生菌 |
47 | 張基昌、張子賢、陳雅玲、宣錦峰、陳聖坤、洪哲穎 | 香茹萃取物抑制血管平滑肌細胞增殖和遷移之抗動脈粥狀硬化保護作用 |
48 | Tung-Sheng Chen, Wei-Yu Liao, Chi-Wen Huang, Chin-Hsien Chang | Green tea EGCG coupling with stem cell transplantation in the treatment of type 1 diabetes through pancreatic regeneration |
49 | 楊碧華、陳勁初 | 真菌肉Fusarium venenatum營養成分探討 |
50 | 王駿業、丹昂、何若瑄 | 超音處理波對蛋黃之病原菌生長影響 |
編號 | 作者 | 摘要題目 |
51 | 蔡承融、林詠凱 | 人工牛排:由蛋清蛋白、豌豆蛋白、結蘭膠、海藻酸鈉與米粉副產物組成的可三維列印水膠 |
52 | 蔣宜芬、陳欣媛、林竫怡、夏詩閔 | β-羥基丁酸於葡萄糖缺乏環境下對神經損傷之保護效果: 以小鼠神經母細胞瘤細胞Neuro-2-a細胞模式下,對自噬作用及β澱粉樣蛋白之機制探討 |
53 | Hsing-Chun Kuo, Kam-Fai Lee, Li-Ya Lee, Wan-Ping Chen, Chin-Chu Chen, Chun-Hsien Chu | Studies of Hericium erinaceus mycelium isolated novel erinacines on inhibition neuroinflammation in vivo traumatic brain injury (TBI) animal model |
54 | Tsui-Hwa Tseng, Wea-Lung Lin, Che-Kai Chang, Shih-Ying Wang, Hsing- Chun Kuo | Alleviating CCl4-induced hepatic fibrosis in mice and inactivating HSC-T6 cells by Morus root extract |
55 | Hsing-Chun Kuo, Tzu-Ying Yang, Yi-Lin Liu, Li-Ya Lee, Wan-Ping Chen, Chin-Chu Chen | Studies of isolated novel erinacine S on inhibition effects of chemoresistant human colorectal cancer cells |
56 | 陳瑩綺、簡育柔、簡芷榆、徐若沂、李怡宣、林詠翔、徐慶琳 | 人體試食試驗評估益生菌果蔬纖維粉在腸胃道保健之研究 |
57 | 張銥珊、張詠祺、楊琇羽、吳紫綾、邱健昭、黃文經、莊曉莉 | 以代謝手術病患FMT定植鼠驗證次世代益生菌改善胰島素阻抗之影響 |
58 | 秦嘉佑、楊乃成 | 鈣離子延長Caenorhabditis elegans壽命的能力和機轉 |
59 | Chun-Han Chang, Yung-Han Chan, Chi-Tang Ho, Min-Hsiung Pan | The anti-aging and anti-obesity effects of pterostilbene in Caenorhabditis elegans |
60 | 王翊、楊登傑 | 不同食品基質中美國環保署及歐盟優先規範之多環芳族碳氫化合物的QuEChERS最適萃取條件探討 |
61 | Yu Wu, Deng-Jye Yang | Establishment of a rapid and appropriate method for the determination of multiple mycotoxins in rice samples and evaluation of the efficacy of processing procedures in reducing these toxins |
62 | 簡育柔、簡芷榆、陳瑩綺、李怡宣、徐若沂、朱沛瑄、楊清芳、徐慶琳 | 多酚複方補充劑與高強度間歇運動對於改善肌肉功能與調節腸道菌相之研究-以高脂飲食誘導肥胖之大鼠為例 |
63 | 陳柔安、陳奕欣、蘇南維 | 經由枯草桿菌Bacillus subtilis BCRC 80517磷酸化之橙皮素磷酸酯衍生物提升橙皮素於大鼠體內生物可利用率之研究 |
64 | Hao-Wei Song, Hsin-Lin Cheng and Jiann-Jou Yang | Vernonia Amygdalina Extracts Can Protect Transgenic Zebrafish Lateral Line Hair Cell from Cisplatin-induced Damage |
65 | Pin-Yu Wang, Jia-Yu Hu, Hao-Wei Song, Hsin-Lin Cheng and Jiann-Jou Yang | Cisplatin-Induced Hair Cell Damage can be Rescued by Ferulic Acid with Transgenic Zebrafish |
66 | Chang-Mao Lin, Yi-Ling Cheng, Mon-Yuan Yang, Li-Sung Hsu, Chau-Jong Wang | Nelumbo nucifera leaf extract improves neurodegeneration by promoting adult hippocampus neurogenesis and reducing apoptosis in scopolamine-induced mice |
67 | Yi-Ling Cheng, Chang- Mao Lin, Mon-Yuan Yang, Li-Sung Hsu, Chau-Jong Wang | Mulberry leaf water extract and nCGA inhibit neurodegenerative diseases via promoting adult hippocampal neurogenesis and decreasing neuron apoptosis in scopolamine-induced mice |
68 | Chen-Yu Chiang, Shiuan- Shinn Lee, Yu-Hsiang Kuan, Wen-Ying Chen | Evaluation of the cell proliferation and hair growth effects by ACVSG in human dermal papilla cells and C57BL/6 mice via regution of wnt/-catenin and MAPK signal pathways and growth fators |
69 | Kun-Lin Yeh, Shiuan- Shinn Lee, Yu-Hsiang Kuan, Yun Wei, Chiang, Chi-Chung Chou | DMB alleviates ultraviolet B-induced eye damage through regulation of Nrf2 and apoptosis signaling pathways in mice |
70 | Min-Wei Lee, Shiuan- Shinn Lee, Yu-Hsiang Kuan and Ming-Kung Hsieh | Hair growth promoting activity of NNP in C57BL/6 mice via Wnt/β-catenin and BMP4/Smad pathway |
71 | Wei-Tai Lu, Yung-Chun Lei, Yu-Hsiang Kuan and Shang-Min Yeh | Explore the mechanism of U-induced cytotoxicity and inflammation response in human corneal epithelial cells |
72 | Yin Ci Hung, Chen-Che Hsieh, Shu-Han Yu, Kuan-Chen Cheng | Evaluation of polarity classification of Ganoderma formosanum mycelium extraction protects the inflammatory of PM2.5 on MH-S cell |
73 | 蘇明輝、許文光 | 大豆掛麵單一因子製程條件及其烹煮研究 |
74 | Mei-Ling Chang, Yu-Wei Mao, Hsiu-Ni Kung, Yi- Ting Wu, and Po-Jung Tsai | Chemical characteristics, antioxidant capacity and anti-inflammatory activity of selected pearl onions |
75 | Chen-Che Hsieh, Shu-Han Yu and Kuan-Chen Cheng | Fermented Chenopodium formosanum sprout polar-solvent and protein extraction attenuates PM2.5-induced alveolar macrophages inflammation |
76 | 嚴婗、謝承哲、鄭光成 | 評估臺灣藜甘糀飲品延緩人類纖維母細胞光衰老之功效 |
77 | Ya-Xuan Wu and Wen-Chung Huang | Gypenoside XIII alleviates nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in MCD diet-induced nonalcoholic steatohepatitis mice |
78 | Hsin-Yu Wu and Wen-Chung Huang | Bacopaside II induces apoptosis of human lung adenocarcinoma cells by activating the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway |
79 | Hui-Qi, Yang and Wen-Chung Huang | Licochalcone D regulates autophagy to improve the lipid metabolism in fatty liver cells |
80 | 陳家茂 | 利用水活性測定改進果乾乾燥之條件 |
81 | Tsung-Hsien Hsu, Hsin-Tai Hong, Chun-Yun Wu, Shao-Wen Hung, Chien- Chao Chiu, and Chean- Ping Wu | Supplementation with mutton extract improves exercise performance and reduces 5-fluorouracil induce physiopathological fatigue |
82 | Shang-Chun Tsou, Chin- Lin Hsu, Chen-Ju Chuang, Hui-Wen Lin, Yuan-Yen Chang | Superoxide dismutase/ catalase mimetic EUK-134 relieved sodium iodate-induced age-related macular degeneration model in vitro and in vivo |
83 | Tsui-Hwa Tseng, Wea-Lung Lin, Ying-Jui Ho, Hsing-Chun Kuo | Wedelia chinensis extracts prevent ROS production in amyloid-β peptide-treated SH-SY5Y cells |
84 | Ko-Chao Lee, Cheng-Yi Huang, Meng-Chiao Hsieh, Chih-Chuan Teng, Kam- Fai Lee, Hsing-Chun Kuo | Use of iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic analysis correlates of lymph node metastasis in colorectal carcinoma |
85 | 陳信伊、楊登傑 | 咖啡中谷速松 (Azinphos-methyl) 之檢驗方法優化與市售樣品檢測 |
86 | Hsing-Chun Kuo, Kam-Fai Lee, Li-Ya Lee, Wan-Ping Chen, Chin-Chu Chen, Chun-Hsien Chu | Studies of Hericium erinaceus mycelium isolated novel erinacines on inhibition neuroinflammation in vivo traumatic brain injury (TBI) animal model |
87 | Pei-Jun Xie and Wen-Chung Huang | Mulberroside F improves non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in obese mice induced by high-fat diet and regulates liver lipid metabolism |
88 | 陳怡樺、黃庭瑩、詹佳儒、洪瑋彤、傅毓琄、童念琪、陳淑茹、周淑姿 | 嘉寶果不同萃取條件下對螯合亞鐵離子效力之探討 |
89 | Yuan-Hong Lan, Yun-Sheng Lu, Ru-Ju Wu,Penjit Srinophakun, Gizem Naz Canko, Hui-Min David Wang | Antioxidant and anticancer effects of Cordyceps sinensis extracts on metastatic melanoma cells |
90 | Xuan-Min Liu and Chian-Jiun Liou | Licochalcone E improves non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and regulates lipid metabolism in FL83B hepatocytes |
91 | 張洋誠、蔡承融、吳彰哲、陳泰源、林詠凱 | 同乾燥方式、酵素嫩化方法與柑橘幼果萃取物添加比例對即食雞胗片特性之影響 |
92 | 李玟靜、游心恬、姬景馨、陳英茹、林亮宏、郭俊巖、 王銘富 | 薑黃萃取液對老化促進鼠延緩衰老之相關研究 |
93 | 陳英茹、王詩儀、松尾知惠、楊安仁、賴秦瑩、郭俊巖、王銘富 | 探討山藥萃取物對小鼠體內抗氧化活性之影響作用 |
94 | 魏筠臻、游心恬、戴浤峻、陳建源、姬景馨、王詩儀、周明宇、王銘富 | 探討白藜蘆醇複方對老化促進小鼠延緩衰老及增強運動表現之研究 |
95 | 李玟靜、魏筠臻、游心恬、姬景馨、周明宇、林亮宏、王銘富 | 羊胎盤素對老化促進小鼠增強運動表現及延緩衰老之研究 |
96 | Feng-Wen Hsu and Wen-Chung Huang | Mulberroside F improved airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation in asthmatic mice |
97 | 許廷宇、曾耀銘、李俊霖 | 以 ARTP 誘變育種牛樟芝菌絲體提升4-Acetylantroquinonol B生產量探討其預防阿茲海默症之效果 |
98 | Mon-Yuan Yang, Ang-Tse Lee and Chau-Jong Wang | Gallic Acid Improves Diabetic Steatosis by Downregulating MicroRNA-34a-5p through Targeting NFE2L2 Expression in High-Fat Diet-Fed db/db Mice |
99 | Chiao-Han Wei and Chian-Jiun Liou | Bacopaside II promotes cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma |
100 | Ming-Lung Hsuand Shu-Ju Wu | The protective effect of urolithin A against interleukin-1β induced inflammation in human retinal pigment epithelial ARPE-19 cells |